Veteran Journalists Advise n00bs Posted July 16th, 2009 by

I finally took a look at the YouTube Reporter’s Center, “a new resource to help you learn more about how to report the news.” The site features tutorials from giants in the field and is meant for aspiring citizen journalists. The videos range from interesting and informative to somewhat laughable.

I’ll let you decide which is which. Scott Simon of NPR had some very good writing tips. And I thought the Pulitzer Center had a nice video about thinking BIG with your ideas. Also, it’s always fun to see Bob Woodward tell an old war story. Right?

My own views on citizen journalism are mixed. Do we really want CNN to source Twitter for breaking news? I’m not so sure. I think there is a place for it, or there will eventually be a place for it, but either way it can’t hurt to get better information out there. No matter your level of experience, it is always a good idea to stay sharp on matters of ethics and fact-checking. On the other hand, I can’t help wonder if these big shots are giving a leg up to the ones who will put them out of business.

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